Saturday, November 28, 2009

Field Trip!

We took the Moustache on a field trip to Costco today!

As you know, hubby LOVES all things Industrial.

Which means he loves Costco!

Well, when our good friend Sho told us that there's a Costco in L.A. that's specific to industrial restaurant equipment, we knew we had to go.

Let me just say, hubby was in heaven!!!

He was so excited to see this huge 'church coffee' dispenser.
We could serve our whole neighborhood coffee!

I can't tell you how long hubby has been trying to get me to OK having a Dry Erase Board in our spare room (A.K.A. - "The Data Center")

The answer is still No.

Hubby said he wants to buy this for me for my Christmas gift.
So I'll mop better...

He also feels we need this deep fryer...

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