Saturday, November 28, 2009

Field Trip!

We took the Moustache on a field trip to Costco today!

As you know, hubby LOVES all things Industrial.

Which means he loves Costco!

Well, when our good friend Sho told us that there's a Costco in L.A. that's specific to industrial restaurant equipment, we knew we had to go.

Let me just say, hubby was in heaven!!!

He was so excited to see this huge 'church coffee' dispenser.
We could serve our whole neighborhood coffee!

I can't tell you how long hubby has been trying to get me to OK having a Dry Erase Board in our spare room (A.K.A. - "The Data Center")

The answer is still No.

Hubby said he wants to buy this for me for my Christmas gift.
So I'll mop better...

He also feels we need this deep fryer...

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Happy Hubby...

Have you ever seen a happier guy...  He's so cozy!

However, he wasn't so happy a few nights ago...

As you know, turning on the heater is a 'No-No' in this house.

Well, since he was in Mountain View all last week for work, I decided to kick on the heater for a few minutes each morning.

(Um, it was like 62 degrees one morning when I woke up...)

Well of course, the day he came home was the one day I forgot to turn OFF the heater...

He got home Thursday night at about 9p and we had no sooner gotten cozy in bed when I heard the heater KICK ON!!!

So naturally, I asked, "Oh... Did you turn the heater on?"

(** halo appears above my head **)


I was pretty much busted.

He wasn't very happy.

It's safe to say he looked like this:

(blowing a gasket...)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 3 - Moustache Update!

Well, here we are.

Another week has gone by and more facial hair has grown.

It's really getting nice and full!

He's practicing his poses again...

The "hmmm..."

The "hey..."

Friday, November 20, 2009

A close encounter...

Hubby had a random encounter this past weekend, which he can only attribute to his current mustache...

He went surfing Friday and after his surf session, he was changing out of his wet suit by his car.

A man driving by stopped his car by hubby's and asked hubby repeatedly if he was ok and if he needed any help! 

Hubby insisted that he was fine and that he didn't need help.

He found this odd, especially 'cause the weird guy kept staring at hubby the whole time he changed outta his wetsuit! 

Hubby could only assume it must be the moustache since this has pretty much never happened to him before...

Good thing the man wasn't dressed in this getup...

Happy Friday!!!

Start the weekend early!

Mustache Pint Tumblers from Bread and Badger!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hubby is in Mountain View this week...

He had an important presentation to give on Wednesday and

he was excited to be able to give it with his moustache in full effect...

(at Taqueria Tres Hermanos - Mountain View, CA)

A comment from Hubby:

Hi, that's me. Los Tres Hermanos taco shop, on Moffett, in Mountain View, CA, is the bomb. I'm not into all those she-she pseudo-Mexican places on Castro (MTV). This is the real thing. Tecate, tacos,futbol, and yellow formica. The 3-enchiladas rojas de pollo combo is the best. I've been to about 5 taco shops in MTV, and this is still the best.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 2 - Moustache Update!

Here we are!  Week 2 with the 'stache...

It's coming in nicely!

(Here he is looking like a fisherman, in the fisherman's hat I knit for him)

It's not as prickly as it was a week ago (Thank God!)

I love how Red it is!

(Red is my favorite color...)  ;-)

This, here is the latest is fashionable men's eye-wear.

We call it the 'invisible frame arm' or the "floating frame"...

And yes, he pulled out the hat cause, as you know...

It's freezing cold now and, here at the Schwartz house, we are not allowed to run the heater...

At least he has his facial hair to keep him warm.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 1 - Moustache Update!

Well, it's been one full week since hubby started growing his 'stache
and look at his progress!

It's coming in nicely, isn't it?

Lookin' good...

Thanks to all who have pledged!

We are still taking pledges.  Any bit helps!

You can donate one dollar for the whole month!

Cheer hubby's mustache on!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mustache Manjoyment...

A little Manjoyment for our Friday afternoon...

Um, excuse me but,

who doesn't love Magnum...


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009



More people are in!!!

  • Pat & Warner are in for $1.00/day
  • Jeannette is in for $5.00
  • June & Simone are in for $1.00/day

 Thanks guys!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Movember is here!!!

Yay!!!  It's finally here!

At 11:00a this morning
(hubby had a late morning, due to a late night last night) ;-)

Hubby shaved for the last time this month.

Hopefully he will not shave again until December 1st!

Before... (Stubbly!)




Here's hubby in action: